structural equation model


1 عمومی:: مدل معادله ساختاری

While the covariance-based structural equation model (CB- SEM) is regarded as state-of-the-art for confirmatory analysis, partial least square (PLS-SEM) is mainly used for theory develop- ment and predictions. Although SEM estimates show a partially significant influence of arousal on unplanned pur- chases (0.13; 1.58), results show a negative correlation of arousal with time spent in the town center (−0.88; −2.04) and a partially This study used a structural equation model with Lisrel 8.7 to test the hypothesized relationships. Table 2 reports results from the SEM analysis. The SEM estimates show that a pleasure-inducing urban environment is pos- itively related to both time and money spent in the area, but not to the number of products purchased.

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